Lunes, Hulyo 25, 2011

Physical therapy back to mother nature the 5 senses

Physical therapist now in the modern world got more interested in natural healing method , and had been increasingly since the 1960s It's was a combination of anti establishment  tenor of the 1960s when one president  Nixo's in 1974 visit  to china. Which led to a loosing of immigration laws for people coming from the east . In these country you had a very curious mind , openminded group of young poeple  who were alredy interested in natural healing . Suddenly there are thousand of Asians immigrating with their own culture  and medical background, American were very interested particular in California  
But it was a very bad experiences, many victims had not even recovered from their physical  conditions , so Finally by launching these mission is one of the principal goal of jesoga70 therapy natural healing the ideas is to break the cycle of dependency . to get poeple well and keep them out of the doctor's office when it's necessary . Many poeple go to the doctor and with a victim mentality say, no chances or may be your life ended later after 6 month time ., either here i'm a body ,take care of me , Instead we want them to ask how they can take care  of themselves , There are poeple who think i dont want to change my life .I dont want to hear that my job is giving me a cironary .Just give me a pill for it., We send these patient back to conventional doctor or physician .,Who probably do just that. So changing behavior is hard , so jesoga70 therapy more spending good relationship to all patient  emphasized the advantages of using two ideas , their individual's mind and faith.
jesoga70therapyDO, now sucessfully showing our superlative block buster theory how the physical body can  tune physically and mentally  including the spiritual problems by using the 14 vitality abdominal impulses functioning system , health problems goes away.
blocking/unblocking  all the existing energy can free an emotional neurons by realising the accumulated tension you hold in your body , even bypass patient who suffered a lot from poor blood circulation in the injured organs (heart) healing can keep us out from sadness and depression, including the quell anxiety. 
Even the Stroke patient, those suferers dozen of victim died because they are not resting. Well imagine that your body is a big city , by which all the enternal function stop. Such difficulty can be cure by working side by side balance the body energy and increase the effectiveness of the varieties of  therapy protocol. Cradling  We live in a touch deprived culture  I think this is one of the reason why we have so much domestic violence and so much depression among the aged . I 've  done treatment on numbers of sickness people who haven't touch by these jesoga70therapy in a meaningful way in 50 years . You'l be amazed at how quickly they found the speed healing others lower the impulses and how the body relaxed just a few minutes into the treatment, so miracles may the divine light shine upon us (hallelujah)  
Understand the method of natural healing for 370 books of all master

Linggo, Hulyo 24, 2011

therapy treatment for such types hernias



0919 606 00 22 /226 27 24



From: Buliasnin Boac marinduque
Classification and external resources

Frontal chest X-ray showing a hernia of Morgagni
eMedicineemerg/251 ped/2559
hernia is the protrusion[1] of an organ or the fascia of an organ through the wall of the cavity that normally contains it. A hiatal hernia occurs when the stomach protrudes into themediastinum through the esophageal opening in the diaphragm.
By far the most common herniae develop in the abdomen, when a weakness in the abdominal wall evolves into a localized hole, or "defect", through which adipose tissue, or abdominal organs covered with peritoneum, may protrude. Another common hernia involves the spinal discs and causes sciatica.
Herniae may or may not present either with pain at the site, a visible or palpable lump, or in some cases by more vague symptoms resulting from pressure on an organ which has become "stuck" in the hernia, sometimes leading to organ dysfunction. Fatty tissue usually enters a hernia first, but it may be followed by or accompanied by an organ.
Most of the time, herniae develop when pressure in the compartment of the residing organ is increased, and the boundary is weak or weakened.
  • Weakening of containing membranes or muscles is usually congenital (which explains part of the tendency of herniae to run in families), and increases with age (for example, degeneration of the  of the ), but it may be on the basis of other illnesses, such as  or , stretching of muscles during pregnancy, losing weight in obese people, etc., or because of scars from previous surgery.annulus fibrosusintervertebral discEhlers-Danlos syndromeMarfan syndrome
  • Many conditions chronically increase intra-abdominal pressure, (pregnancy, ascites,COPDdyscheziabenign prostatic hypertrophy) and hence abdominal hernias are very frequent. Increased intracranial pressure can cause parts of the brain to herniate through narrowed portions of the cranial cavity or through the foramen magnum. Increased pressure on the intervertebral discs, as produced by heavy lifting or lifting with improper technique, increases the risk of herniation.


Types of Hernias

Inguinal Hernias

Inguinal (pronounced: in-gwuh-nul) hernias are more likely to occur in guys than girls. More than 70% of all hernias that occur are inguinal hernias, which means that a part of the intestines protrudes through an opening in the lower part of the abdomen, near the groin, called the inguinal canal.
In guys, the inguinal canal is a passageway between the abdomen and the scrotum through which a cord called the spermatic cord passes (the testicles hang from the spermatic cord). In girls, the inguinal canal is the passageway for a ligament that holds the uterus in place. Nearly all cases of inguinal hernias in teens are due to a congenital defect of the inguinal canal. Instead of closing tightly, the canal leaves a space for the intestines to slide into.
If you have an inguinal hernia, you might be able to see a bulge where your thigh and your groin meet. In guys, the protruding piece of intestine may enter the scrotum, which can cause swelling and pain. Other symptoms of an inguinal hernia might include pain when you cough, lift something heavy, or bend over. These types of hernias require surgery to repair; in fact, inguinal hernia operations are the most common type of surgery performed on kids and teens.

Umbilical Hernias

Umbilical hernias are common in newborns and infants younger than 6 months. They occur when part of the intestines bulge through the abdominal wall next to the belly button. In babies with umbilical hernias, parents may see bulging around the belly button area when the baby cries.
Unlike other types of hernias, umbilical hernias may heal on their own, usually by the time a baby is 1 year old. If not, surgery can repair the hernia.

Epigastric Hernias

In an epigastric (pronounced: eh-pih-gas-trik) hernia, which is also called a ventral hernia, part of the intestines protrude through the abdominal muscles located between the belly button and the chest.
It's mostly guys who have to worry about this type of hernia — about 75% of epigastric hernias occur in males. People with this type of hernia may notice a lump. Surgery is a common way to fix this problem.

Incisional Hernias

If you've had surgery in your abdominal area, you might experience this type of hernia. In incisional hernias, part of the intestines bulge through the abdomen around a surgical incision. In this case, surgery actually weakened the muscle tissue in the abdomen. This type of hernia requires another surgery to repair it.

Hiatal Hernias

This type of hernia occurs at the opening of the diaphragm where the esophagus (the pipe that food travels down) joins the stomach. If the muscle around the opening to the diaphragm becomes weak, the uppermost part of a person's stomach can bulge through the diaphragm.
Hiatal (pronounced: high-a-tul) hernias are common, although small ones don't usually cause any symptoms. Unlike the other types of hernia, you won't be able to see a bulge on the outside of your body, but you might feel heartburn, indigestion, and chest pain. Hiatal hernias can be treated with medication and diet changes, but they do sometimes require surgery.

What Do Doctors Do?

If you notice a bulge or swelling in your groin, abdomen, scrotum, or thigh, you should talk to your doctor. Sometimes a hernia may also cause sharp or dull pain and the pain may worsen when you are standing.
With most types of hernias, including inguinal, umbilical, epigastric, and incisional, your doctor will be able to see and feel the bulge and diagnose you with a hernia.
Except for umbilical hernias in babies, hernias don't just go away on their own — you must talk to your doctor and receive treatment. Over time, your hernia may become larger and more painful, and in some cases of hiatal hernia, a piece of the intestine could become trapped (this is known as incarceration). In a true surgical emergency, the blood supply could be cut off to the incarcerated intestine (this is known as strangulation). This situation is painful and dangerous because it can cause infection and may cause the strangulated tissue to die, so it's important to call your doctor.
If you've had a hernia operation and you notice redness or discomfort around your incision (the area where the cut was made to perform the operation), be sure to let your doctor know. It could be a sign of infection that will require further treatment.

Signs and symptoms

Frontal view of an inguinal hernia (right).
Symptoms may not be present in some inguinal hernias while in some other hernias, including inguinal, they are. Symptoms and signs vary depending on the type of hernia. In the case of reducible hernias, you can often see and feel a bulge in the groin or in another abdominal area. When standing, such bulge becomes more obvious. Besides the bulge, other symptoms include pain in the groin that may also include a heavy or dragging sensation, and in men, there is sometimes pain and swelling in the scrotum around thetesticular area.[2]
Irreducible hernias or incarcerated hernias may be painful, but their most relevant symptom is that they cannot return to the abdominal cavity when pushed in. They may be chronic, although painless, and can lead to strangulation. Nauseavomiting, or fever may occur in these cases due to bowel obstruction. Also, the hernia bulge in this case may turn red, purple or dark and pink.
Strangulated hernias are always painful and pain is followed by tenderness. Nausea and vomiting also may occur as well due to bowel obstruction. The patient may also experience fever.[3]
In the diagnosis of abdominal hernias, imaging is the principal means of detecting internal diaphragmatic and other nonpalpable or unsuspected hernias. Multidetector CT (MDCT) can show with precision the anatomic site of the hernia sac, the contents of the sac, and any complications. MDCT also offers clear detail of the abdominal wall allowing wall hernias to be identified accurately.[4]


Causes of hiatal hernia vary depending on each individual. Among the multiple causes, however, are the mechanical causes which include: improper heavy weight lifting, hard coughing bouts, sharp blows to the abdomen, tight clothing and incorrect posture.[5]
Furthermore, conditions that increase the pressure of the abdominal cavity may also cause hernias or worsen the existing ones. Some examples would be: obesity, straining during a bowel movement or urination, chronic lung disease, and also, fluid in the abdominal cavity.[
Also, if muscles are weakened due to poor nutritionsmoking, and overexertion, hernias are more likely to occur.
The physiological school of thought contends that the above mentioned are not the true causes of hernia, but are instead an (anatomical) symptom of the true, (physiological) cause. Based on hundreds of observations during dissection, they have concluded that the risk of hernia is due to a physiological difference between patients who suffer hernia and those who do not, namely the presence of aponeurotic extensions from the transversus abdominis aponurotic arch. [7]
When a hernia is not repaired, it may become incarcerated or strangulated. When strangulation occurs, there is a danger that part of the intestine be caught in the hernia cutting off blood supply to the tissue. Also, when a bowel obstruction occurs, it leads to severe pain, vomiting, nausea and inability to have a bowel movement or pass gas. Men are more prone to suffer inguinal hernias than women, and they risk a damage to their testicles if a hernia becomes strangulated.[8] Also, the pressure caused on the hernia's surrounding tissues may extend into the scrotum causing pain and swelling.


Complications may arise post-operation, including rejection of the mesh that is used to repair the hernia. In the event of a mesh rejection, the mesh will very likely need to be removed. Mesh rejection can be detected by obvious, sometimes localised swelling and pain around the mesh area. Continuous discharge from the scar is likely for a while after the mesh has been removed.
An untreated hernia may be complicated by:


Can Hernias Be Prevented?

Here are a few tips for keeping hernias from hurting you:
  • Stay at a healthy weight for your height and body type. Talk to your doctor or a dietitian about a healthy eating and exercise program if you think you are overweight or obese.
  • Make fruits, veggies, and whole grains a "regular" part of your diet. Not only are these foods good for you, they're also packed with lots of fiber that will prevent constipation and straining.
  • Be careful when weight lifting or lifting heavy objects. Make sure you lift weights safely by never lifting anything that's too heavy. If you have to lift something that's heavy, bend from your knees, not at your waist, or don't lift it at all.
  • See your doctor when you're sick. If you have a persistent cough from a cold or you sneeze a lot because of allergies, see your doctor about cough or allergy medicines.
  • Quit smoking. Smoking can cause persistent coughing, and this can strain your abdominal muscles. The risk of getting hernias is just one more reason to kick the habit!
Simply by paying  attention with the 14 vitality abdominal impulses functioning  system those groin, colon, and adrenal gland down to the male reproductive system  such as The testicle (from Latin testiculus, diminutive of testis, meaning "witness" of virility,plural testes) is the male gonad in animals. Like the ovaries to which they are homologous, testes are components of both the reproductive system and the endocrine system. The primary functions of the testes are to produce sperm (spermatogenesis) and to produce androgens, primarily testosterone.
Both functions of the testicle are influenced by gonadotropic hormones produced by the anterior pituitaryLuteinizing hormone (LH) results in testosterone release. The presence of both testosterone and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is needed to support spermatogenesis
Each of testis or testicle is an almond shape gland  about 2 inches long and one inch thick lying in a sac , the scrotom . The main artery to each testis is the testicular artery from the abdominal aorta. A network of veins in the scrotum is called the pampini form plexus. The testis is covered by a peritoneal like membrane  the tunica vaginalis. The cremaster muscle raises the testis. Now what the godest scientific prove that jesoga70 therapy cures such form of these hernias, the epididymis , the continuation of tubule systemlies posterior to the testsis , I would not say it much every long because I directly mention my parts how to treat these fucking big balls anymore ., from the epididymis , an 18 inch duct , the vas deferences, passes up the inguinal to the bladder, runs posteriorly and enter the prostate gland. pinoy therapy Mental martial arts trancedental and concentrative yuj guang medical healing . , the victim of these incompetency  is no other than (myself) this is the main reason why I studied closely  the power and secret  of martial art. Without the proper first aid everybody will  die without reason. so I made to save my own family and I want to shared it to every people who really at the spot of puberty and financially loss. therapy treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome therapy treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome: " 0919 606 00 22 / 226 27 24 Chronic fatigue syndrome From: mansiwat ,cavila and Bodlong T..."

therapy treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome
0916 436 88 75  / 996 09 04 

Chronic fatigue syndrome

From: mansiwat ,cavila and Bodlong
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Classification and external resources
eMedicinemed/3392 ped/2795
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)
is the most common name used to specify a medical disorder or group of disorders generally defined by persistent fatigue accompanied by other specific symptoms for a minimum of six months, not due to ongoing exertion, not substantially relieved by rest, nor caused by other medical conditions. The disorder may also be referred to as myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), post-viral fatigue syndrome (PVFS), or several other terms. Although classified by the World Health Organization under Diseases of the nervous system, the etiology (cause or origin) of CFS is unknown, and multiple psychological and physiological factors may contribute to the development and maintenance of symptoms. There is no diagnostic laboratory test or biomarker for CFS.
Symptoms of CFS include post-exertional malaise; unrefreshing sleep; widespread muscle and joint pain; sore throat; cognitive difficulties; chronic, often severe, mental and physical exhaustion; and other characteristic symptoms in a previously healthy and active person. Persons with CFS may report additional symptoms including muscle weakness, increased sensitivity to light, sounds and smells, orthostatic intolerance, digestive disturbances, depression, and cardiac and respiratory problems. It is unclear if these symptoms represent co-morbidconditions or are produced by an underlying etiology of CFS.
Fatigue is a common symptom in many illnesses, but CFS is comparatively rare. Estimates of CFS prevalence vary widely, from 7 to 3,000 cases of CFS for every 100,000 adults, but national health organizations have estimated more than 1 million Americans and approximately a quarter of a million people in the UK have CFS. CFS occurs more often in women than men, and is less prevalent among children and adolescents. The quality of life is "particularly and uniquely disrupted" in CFS.
There is agreement on the genuine threat to health, happiness and productivity posed by CFS, but various physicians' groups, researchers and patient advocates promote different nomenclature, diagnostic criteria, etiologic hypotheses and treatments, resulting in controversy about many aspects of the disorder. The name CFS itself is controversial as many patients and advocacy groups, as well as some experts, want the name changed as they believe that it stigmatizes by not conveying the seriousness of the illness.

Signs and symptoms


The majority of CFS cases start suddenly,[33] usually accompanied by a "flu-like illness"[5] while a significant proportion of cases begin within several months of severe adverse stress.[33][34][35] An Australian prospective study found that after infection by viral and non-viral pathogens, a sub-set of individuals met the criteria for CFS, with the researchers concluding that "post-infective fatigue syndrome is a valid illness model for investigating one pathophysiological pathway to CFS".[36] However, accurate prevalence and exact roles of infection and stress in the development of CFS are currently unknown.


The most commonly used diagnostic criteria and definition of CFS for research and clinical purposes were published by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC).[5] The CDC definition of CFS requires the following two criteria be fulfilled:[3]
  1. A new onset (not lifelong) of unexplained, persistent fatigue unrelated to exertion and not substantially relieved by rest, that causes a significant reduction in previous activity levels.
  2. Four or more of the following symptoms that last six months or longer:
    • Impaired memory or concentration
    • Post-exertional malaise, where physical or mental exertions bring on "extreme, prolonged exhaustion and sickness"
    • Unrefreshing sleep
    • Muscle pain (myalgia)
    • Pain in multiple joints (arthralgia)
    • Headaches of a new kind or greater severity
    • Sore throat, frequent or recurring
    • Tender lymph nodes (cervical or axillary)
Other common symptoms include:
  • Irritable bowel, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea or bloating
  • Chills and night sweats
  • Brain fog
  • Chest pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chronic cough
  • Visual disturbances (blurring, sensitivity to light, eye pain or dry eyes)
  • Allergies or sensitivities to foods, alcohol, odors, chemicals, medications or noise
  • Difficulty maintaining upright position (orthostatic instability, irregular heartbeat, dizziness, balance problems or fainting)
  • Psychological problems (depression, irritability, mood swings, anxiety, panic attacks)[37]
The CDC recommends that persons with symptoms resembling those of CFS consult a physician to rule out several treatable illnesses: Lyme disease,[3] "sleep disordersdepression,alcohol/substance abuse, diabeteshypothyroidismmononucleosis (mono), lupusmultiple sclerosis (MS), chronic hepatitis and various malignancies.Medications can also cause side effects that mimic symptoms of CFS


People report critical reductions in levels of physical activity and a reduction in the complexity of activity has been observed,with reported impairment comparable to other fatiguing medical conditions including late-stage AIDS,lupusrheumatoid arthritischronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and end-stage renal disease.CFS affects a person's functional status and well-being more than major medical conditions such as multiple sclerosis, congestive heart failure, or type II diabetes mellitus The severity of symptoms and disability is the same in both genders with strongly disabling chronic pain, but despite a common diagnosis the functional capacity of individuals with CFS varies greatly. While some lead relatively normal lives, others are totally bed-ridden and unable to care for themselves. Employment rates vary with over half unable to work and nearly two-thirds limited in their work because of their illness. More than half were on disability benefits or temporary sick leave, and less than a fifth worked full-time

Cognitive functioning

A 2010 meta-analysis concluded cognitive symptoms were principally resultants of decreased attention, memory, and reaction time. The deficits were in the range of 0.5 to 1.0 standard deviations below expected and were judged likely to affect day-to-day activities. Simple and complex information processing speed and functions entailing working memory over long time periods were moderately to extensively impaired. These deficits are generally consistent with those reported by patients. Perceptual abilities, motor speed, language, reasoning, and intelligence did not appear to be significantly altered.
how jesogatherapy cure the chronic fatigue syndrome
jesoga70therapy simply boost your physical condition to cope with the tired weak , feelings of cfs by stimulating the 14 vitality abdominal impulses , mainly mind and spiritual manipulations is the key just sto save victims of these physical imbalances. jesoga70therapy helps to close the eyes of the patient and relax the abdomine , let them breathe deeply without recistance to whatever energy they could received during the medication process . So whatsoever mistakes you puts in your body it well reflect  directly with our immune system, what really make different is our belief and faith with us , so to allevate the dizziness and confusion sometimes , we need to find the sea of energy controlled each reality of being weak.