jesoga70 therapy and company services
elderly therapy intensive care network
0919 606 00 22/ 0933 962 90 49/ 0910 372 19 76/226 27 24how to prevent or healed scoliosis/30 of most acute cases witness the good healing technique by jesoga70 therapy, they came from most professional doctors hospitals and have thier own family doctors but they still searching the most natural healing( answer prayer) from the gracefull miracle of god wisdom that never dies (divine life force and creative intelligence) agesles, timeless mind is power
by Jesus Ogayre
Scoliosis Overview
Our spine is an engineering marvel that supports our weight and ties our body together. The spinal column consists of a stack of small bones that range in size from 2-3 inches to 5-6 inches in diameter. When viewed from the front, the spine appears to be straight, but when looked at from the side, the normal spine has two gentle S-curves.
Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine. In scoliosis, the spine curves to the side when viewed from the front, and each vertebra also twists on the next one in a corkscrew fashion.
Scoliosis affects girls twice as often as it affects boys. About three to five of 1,000 people are affected. Scoliosis usually occurs in those older than 10 years, but the condition can be seen in infants. jesoga70 therapy techniques again calling the attention to everyone who suffer scoliosis for more than a yrs but left not treated by any health care practitioners ., pls witness our own healing method by which you might notice a better change specially who's at past menopause women .Tip that can change your lifestyle as roles in causing bone loss or scoliosis.1) never consume much calcium caffeine and salt , 2 never smoke 3) give time for constant exercise.
What causes scoliosis?
In most cases, the cause of scoliosis is unknown (idiopathic). This type of scoliosis is described based on the age when scoliosis develops. If the person is less than 3 years old, it is called infantile idiopathic scoliosis. Scoliosis that develops between 3 and 10 years of age is called juvenile idiopathic scoliosis, and people that are over 10 years old have adolescent idiopathic scoliosis.There are three other main types of scoliosis:
- Functional
- birth defects
- muscular dystrophy
- cerebral palsy
- Marfan's disease
- teens
- arthritis
- bone spurs
Treatment Options/from jesoga70 therapy
- Spinal maturity—is the patient's spine still growing and changing?
- Degree and extent of curvature—how severe is the curve and how does it affect the patient's lifestyle?
- Location of curve—according to the Scoliosis Research Society, thoracic (upper spine) curves are more likely to progress than thoracolumbar (middle spine) or lumbar (lower spine) curves.
- Potential for progression—patients who have large curves prior to their adolescent growth spurts are more likely to experience curve progress.
- After the hard time of trying out so many , medical practitioners from the field of medicine, jesoga70 therapy witness the unsatisfactory complained of all victim of these sickness., end without proper medication. jesoga70 therapy successfully found out that after 12 years practicing our unique knuckles therapy technique. mostly they keep their boby stronger and flexible, and recovered their body posture. when the therapy went on, for more than a series of therapy, we encourage our patient to believed for our own ideas and therapy procedures like by touching directly to the affected scoliosis curve site, and try to distinguished each body effect to vitality system and let the patient observed how it works to their daily life and activities ., the first thing they notice is the good changes from airway, breathings , no body pains., impair movement improved., disfigurement too.fracture heals fast
- jeoga70 therapy and exercises management
- By using the standing/lying position and cradling technique from the spine particularly at the hips lower parts of lumbar 4 and 5 jesoga70 therapy found out the effective/effecent new ideas creating the right chi or key energy from the most affected area which can helps spinal cords/legs bones stay stronger, most of our witness really salute how the series is being impower to them, simply by holding their full body weight side by side twisting the body gently. Caution that these procedures is not always good to elderly people with advance scoliosis and advance osteoporosis.
- Exercises for Scoliosis The primary goals of an exercise program for your spine are to make the muscles of your back, shoulders, and upper back strong and flexible. The following is a series of abdominal exercises that will help strengthen your back and improve your posture. You should always talk to your health care professional before you start an exercise program.
Leg & Arm Extensions
Start with your hips right over the stability ball. With one toe down, extend your left hand up, keeping your right fingertip palm down, while lifting your right leg up. Hold for a count of three and then switch sides. Continue for 3 sets of 10, taking thirty to sixty seconds in between each set.
Back Extension
Start with your stomach on top of the ball and you knees on the mat. You will want to fall forward over the ball in a relaxed position. From there you will come up to the point where your back feels as though it is parallel with the ball. Your hands and arms should be raised and come straight out so they are also parallel with the ball. Hold this position for a count of 5. Continue for a set of 10.
Triceps Raise
Sitting on the ball, with your feet flat on the mat, square yourself your spine is perfectly straight. Take a weight in your right hand, drop that hand behind your head and use your left hand as a brace to keep your elbow right beside you head. Pivot around your elbow joint lifting your right hand above your head, as you squeeze the back of your arm. Then lower back down. You will want to switch between arms as you continue for 3 sets of 10 on each side.
Bent-Over Raise
Working with lighter weights, start by sitting on the ball and then bend over so that your back becomes like a table and you can wrap your arms around the middle of your thighs. Pick up the light hand weights and put them on your hands. You should have soft elbows but almost an extended arm. Bring you arms straight up and to your sides, so that they are almost parallel with the ground. Then bring them back down.
An alternative to the light weights is no weight at all. You will want to continue this exercise for 3 sets of 10.
Standing Raise
This exercise is very similar to the bent-over raise. Working with light weights in a standing position bring the weights straight up and to your sides. You will want to point your little finger towards the ceiling. Be sure to keep you back straight the entire time and bring your arms up so that they are parallel to the ground. Continue for 3 sets of 10.
Upright Row
From a standing position, start with your arms down in front of you, your palms should be facing your legs with your weights in your hands. Begin by pulling your arms straight up your body so that your elbows are a little higher than your hands. Then bring your hands back down. It is important to emphasis a pause at the bottom. Continue for 3 sets of 10.
One-Arm Row
Leaning on the stability ball with your left hand, take a heavier weight or both lighter weights into your right hand. With a flat back, row your arm up, keeping your elbow bent, so that your elbow points to the ceiling. Concentrate on squeezing your shoulder blades together when your elbow gets to the top, and then release. You will want to switch between arms as you continue for 3 sets of 10 on each side.
Exercise Program | ||||
Leg & Arm ExtensionsWatch The Video >> | ||||
Back ExtensionWatch The Video >> | ||||
Triceps RaiseWatch The Video >> | ||||
Bent-Over RaisesWatch The Video >> | ||||
Upright RowWatch The Video >> | ||||
One-Arm RowWatch The Video >> |
to help prevent scoliosis/osteoporosis , simple eat a handful of sesame seeds every morning , drinking calcium rich almond milk twice a day, before breakfast and bedtime . it can be a challenge to get natural calcium in your diet those kale leaves and collard leaves this contains 212 milligrams of calcium both essential for building bone mass.exercise regularly ,especially weight bearing exercise walking , jogging, spending time for sunlight to get vitamin d, good food from vitamin d , stop smoking if u are smoking, women who smoke have lower level of bones density , lastly, control alcohol intake.
Declaration of herbs therapy treatment for scoliosis:Collard herbs and kale herbs containts about 212 milligrams of natural calcium and 102 milligrams of magnesium , both essential for building bone mass. a person with scoliosis and osteoporosis may want to use the following daily regimen of supplement to help control/cure the condition.1,200 calcium , 800 milligrams of magnisium: 10 milligrams of zin: 1 millgrams of coopper : 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C : 200 international units of vitamin D : 50 milligrams of manganese ,. Jesoga70 therapy service and company (getting what you need ) is our vision in these healing mission.
how Collard herbs and kale herbs cure scoliosis/osteoporosis?
here are a couple of bone chilling facts .half of all American women over age 50 will suffer a fracture and a complex three-dimensional deformity, on an X-ray, viewed from the rear, the spine of an individual with scoliosis may look more like an "S" or a "C" than a straight line. Scoliosis is typically classified as either congenital (caused by vertebral anomalies present at birth), idiopathic (cause unknown, subclassified as infantile, juvenile, adolescent, or adult, according to when onset occurred), or neuromuscular (having developed as a secondary symptom of another condition, such as spina bifida, cerebral palsy, spinal muscular atrophy, or physical trauma). This condition affects approximately 7 million people in the United States. SOMETIMES PEOPLE GAIN WEIGHT FOR MEDICAL REASON, DISEASE OF THE endocrine system or problem with metabolism can cause you to store more fat. but most of us pack on the pound the old fashioned way, by eating too much and no exercising o wala talaga ,no more ,too little. Overweight can keep us to a number of health problem back pain , joint pain , the increased tendency to contact infection disease, worse is diabetes , high blood, heart attack and lest you think all these two disease is a sexist ? so by means of these collard and kale herbs established the brain inadvertently provides correct recruitment of muscles fibers in the paraspinal muscles, directly causing correct curvatures and scoliosis. Realignment with precise upper cervical chiropractic in jesoga70 therapy technique , no one can do it and nothing can be more excellent to these revolutionized (mental martial art) to our tradition method manipulation has provided long lasting cure or relief from scoliosis against the speed loss of bones mass. these herbs has a good sources of calcium and vitamin and it increased bone density where the patient can eventually engaged in regular weight bearing activities, walking , jogging or ballroom jesoga70 therapy advise it to all recovered patient, dancing puts healthy stress on bones and makes them stronger , because regular therapy and exercise activities improves muscles strength, coordination and balance, makes sure there is calcium in your diet , please keep on asking mr aikiro ? if you can't tolerate dairy product and animal food sources secure kale and collard herbs. only the god in heaven can explained our destiny. He is the righteous doctor dear viewers and readers.
5 color of meditation healing light.
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