jesoga70therapy medical mission service
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About Leukemia
The term leukemia refers to cancers of the white blood cells (also called leukocytes or WBCs). When a child has leukemia, large numbers of abnormal white blood cells are produced in the bone marrow. These abnormal white cells crowd the bone marrow and flood the bloodstream, but they cannot perform their proper role of protecting the body against disease because they are defective.
As leukemia progresses, the cancer interferes with the body's production of other types of blood cells, including red blood cells and platelets. This results in anemia (low numbers of red cells) and bleeding problems, in addition to the increased risk of infection caused by white cell abnormalities.
As a group, leukemias account for about 25% of all childhood cancers and affect about 2,200 American young people each year. Luckily, the chances for a cure are very good with leukemia. With treatment, most children with leukemia will be free of the disease without it coming back.
Types of Leukemia
In general, leukemias are classified into acute (rapidly developing) and chronic (slowly developing) forms. In children, about 98% of leukemias are acute.
Acute childhood leukemias are also divided into acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) and acute myelogenous leukemia (AML), depending on whether specific white blood cells called lymphyocytes (or myelocytes), which are linked to immune defenses, are involved.
Approximately 60% of children with leukemia have ALL, and about 38% have AML. Although slow-growing chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) may also be seen in children, it is very rare, accounting for fewer than 50 cases of childhood leukemia each year in the United States.
The ALL form of the disease most commonly occurs in younger children ages 2 to 8, with a peak incidence at age 4. But it can affect all age groups.
Kids have a 20% to 25% chance of developing ALL or AML if they have an identical twin who was diagnosed with the illness before age 6. In general, nonidentical twins and other siblings of children with leukemia have two to four times the average risk of developing this illness.
Children who have inherited certain genetic problems — such as Li-Fraumeni syndrome, Down syndrome, Kleinfelter syndrome,neurofibromatosis, ataxia telangectasia, or Fanconi's anemia — have a higher risk of developing leukemia, as do kids who are receiving medical drugs to suppress their immune systems after organ transplants.
Children who have received prior radiation or chemotherapy for other types of cancer also have a higher risk for leukemia, usually within the first 8 years after treatment.
In most cases, neither parents nor kids have control over the factors that trigger leukemia, although current studies are investigating the possibility that some environmental factors may increase the risk that a child will develop the disease. Most leukemias arise from noninherited mutations (changes) in the genes of growing blood cells. Because these errors occur randomly and unpredictably, there is currently no effective way to prevent most types of leukemia.
To limit the risk of prenatal radiation exposure as a trigger for leukemia (especially ALL), women who are pregnant or who suspect that they might be pregnant should always inform their doctors before undergoing tests or medical procedures that involve radiation (such as X-rays).
Regular checkups can spot early symptoms of leukemia in the relatively rare cases where this cancer is linked to an inherited genetic problem, to prior cancer treatment, or to use of immunosuppressive drugs for organ transplants.
Because their infection-fighting white blood cells are defective, kids with leukemia may experience increased episodes of fevers and infections. They also may become anemic, because leukemia affects the bone marrow's production of oxygen-carrying red blood cells. This makes them appear pale, and they may become abnormally tired and short of breath while playing.
Children with leukemia might bruise and bleed very easily, experience frequent nosebleeds, or bleed for an unusually long time after even a minor cut because leukemia destroys the bone marrow's ability to produce clot-forming platelets.
Other symptoms of leukemia can include:
- pain in the bones or joints, sometimes causing a limp
- swollen lymph nodes (sometimes called swollen glands) in the neck, groin, or elsewhere
- an abnormally tired feeling
- poor appetite
In about 12% of kids with AML and 6% of those with ALL, spread of leukemia to the brain causes headaches, seizures, balance problems, or abnormal vision. If ALL spreads to the lymph nodes inside the chest, the enlarged gland can crowd the trachea (windpipe) and important blood vessels, leading to breathing problems and interference with blood flow to and from the heart.
Your child's doctor will perform a physical examination to check for signs of infection, anemia, abnormal bleeding, and swollen lymph nodes. The doctor will also feel your child's abdomen to see if there is an enlarged liver or spleen because they can become enlarged with some cancers in children.
In addition to doing a physical exam, the doctor will take a medical history by asking you about symptoms, past health, your family's health history, medications your child is taking, allergies, and other issues.
After this exam, the doctor will order a CBC (complete blood count) to measure the numbers of white cells, red cells, and platelets in your child's blood. A blood smear will be examined under a microscope to check for certain specific types of abnormal blood cells usually seen in patients with leukemia. Blood chemistries will also be checked.
Then, depending on the results of the physical exam and preliminary blood tests, your child may need:
- a bone marrow biopsy and aspiration, in which marrow samples are removed (usually from the back of the hip) for testing
- a lymph node biopsy, in which lymph nodes are removed and examined under a microscope to look for abnormal cells
- a lumbar puncture (spinal tap), where a sample of spinal fluid is removed from the lower back and examined for evidence of abnormal cells. This will show whether the leukemia has spread to the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord).
Bone marrow or lymph node samples will be examined and additional testing done to determine the specific type of leukemia. In addition to these basic lab tests, cell evaluations might be done, including genetic studies to distinguish between specific types of leukemia and certain features of the leukemia cells. Kids will receive anesthesia or sedative medications for any painful procedures.
Certain features of a child's leukemia, such as age and initial white blood cell count, are used in determining the intensity of treatment needed to achieve the best chance for cure. Although all kids with ALL are treated with chemotherapy, the dosages and drug combinations may differ.
To decrease the chance that leukemia will invade the child's central nervous system, patients receive intrathecal chemotherapy, the administration of cancer-killing drugs into the cerebrospinal fluid around the brain and spinal cord.
Radiation treatments, which use high-energy rays to shrink tumors and keep cancer cells from growing, may be used in addition to intrathecal chemotherapy for certain high-risk patients. Children then require continued close monitoring by a pediatric oncologist, a specialist in childhood cancer.
After treatment begins, the goal is remission of the leukemia (when there is no longer evidence of cancer cells in the body). Once remission has occurred, maintenance chemotherapy is usually used to keep the child in remission. Maintenance chemotherapy is given in cycles over a period of 2 to 3 years to keep the cancer from returning. Leukemia will almost always relapse (reoccur) if this additional chemotherapy isn't given. Sometimes the cancer will return in spite of maintenance chemotherapy, and other forms of chemotherapy will then be necessary.
Sometimes a bone marrow transplant may be necessary in addition to — or instead of — chemotherapy, depending on the type of leukemia a child has. During a bone marrow transplant, healthy bone marrow is introduced into a child's body.
Intensive leukemia chemotherapy has certain side effects, including hair loss, nausea and vomiting, and increased risk for infection or bleeding in the short term, as well as other potential health problems down the line. As your child is treated for leukemia, the cancer treatment team will watch closely for those side effects.
But with the proper treatment, the outlook for kids who are diagnosed with leukemia is quite good. Some forms of childhood leukemia have a remission rate of up to 90%; all kids then require regular maintenance chemotherapy and other treatment to continue to be cancer-free. Overall cure rates differ depending on the specific features of a child's disease. Most childhood leukemias have very high remission rates. And the majority of kids can be cured (meaning that they are in permanent remission) of the disease.
Types of Leukemia
Leukemia is a cancer of the bone marrow that affects almost 34,000 newly-diagnosed people in the US each year. It took doctors centuries to recognize exactly how leukemia affects the blood, but in the 20 th century medical technology finally became sophisticated enough to divide leukemia into two groups, called lymphatic and myleogenous. Lymphatic leukemia causes the bone marrow to produce too many immature white blood cells which overwhelm healthy blood cells. Myleogenous leukemia prevents stem cells in the bone marrow from developing into either red or white cells, which flood throughout the body.
There are many different types of conditions that are grouped together under the broad term "leukemia," but the most common types of this insidious blood cancer are:
Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML) - Occurs in both adults & childrenAcute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL) - Young children & adults over 65Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML) - Develops mainly in adultsChronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) - Most common in adults over 55
Acute leukemias differ from chronic leukemias in that acute diseases have immediate repercussions, while chronic conditions have extended latency periods. Children are especially susceptible to acute leukemias, because these conditions are characterized by a rapid buildup of malignant blood cells and require immediate treatment to prevent spread into other bodily systems. Chronic leukemias primarily affect older adults, but are as dangerous, for prolonged malignancy over the course of a lifetime can result in a medical emergency called a "blast crisis," characterized by a sudden increase in cancerous blood cells.
In any event, leukemia needs immediate treatment. Even people with chronic leukemia and no apparent symptoms need constant monitoring to prevent a blast crisis. If you have been exposed to benzene, then consult a doctor right away. Your life is too important to do otherwise.
Acute Myelogenous Leukemia
Acute Myelogenous Leukemia, or AML, is the most commonly diagnosed type of adult leukemia. The cancer is caused when the bone marrow produces stem cells that fail to fully mature into red blood cells, white blood cells, or platelets. These immature, malignant cells rapidly spread through the blood stream and can affect any number of vital organs, the spinal chord, and other healthy tissues. AML must be treated immediately because if left unchecked it can cause serious injury or death. In 2005, the National Cancer Institute reported that there were over 11,960 new cases of AML, and almost 10,000 deaths. Even proper treatment of AML yields only a 60-70% remission rate, and only approximately 25% of people who go into remission survive past 3 years.
The lethality of AML is derived partly from misdiagnosis of its symptoms. Like many other forms of leukemia, AML shares symptoms with many other less fatal conditions. In fact, advanced AML is often confused with the flu or common cold! Some of the common symptoms of AML include:
- Fever
- Fatigue
- Weight loss or loss of appetite
- Shortness of breath
- Anemia
- Increased bruising or bleeding
- Petechiae - flat, pin-head sized spots under the skin caused by bleeding
- Bone and joint pain
- Persistent infections
Unfortunately, unless a doctor knows what to specifically look for, these symptoms are often misdiagnosed, with often catastrophic results for the victim. It is important to be assertive with your doctor to assure your health is protected. Your life could be at stake.
Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia
Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia, or ALL, is a painful and tragic "hematological malignancy" that often affects the bone marrow of young children and older adults. The bone marrow serves as a continuously working "factory" for white blood cells, which the body uses to fight infection and disease. Because these cells are in constant production and travel to every part of the body, any kind of illness that affects the blood has immediate repercussions on the body. Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia is a disease that causes the bone marrow to malfunction and rapidly produce cancerous white blood cells, which quickly spread throughout the body to other systems, potentially causing cancer where they settle.
If left untreated, Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia is fatal. Because these dangerous white blood cells replicate so rapidly, unchecked ALL can quickly invade the central nervous system and cause an excruciating and agonizing death. Unfortunately, many of the symptoms of ALL are common enough to go unrecognized by anyone but a doctor. These symptoms include:
- Weakness
- Fatigue
- Anemia
- Frequent infections or fever
- Weight loss and/or loss of appetite
- Increased bruising or bleeding from wounds
- Bone pain or joint pains caused by the spread of malignant cells to the surface of the bone or into the joint from the marrow cavity
- Enlarged lymph nodes, liver and/or spleen
If you have these symptoms, you should contact your doctor immediately. Unchecked ALL is one of the deadliest leukemias, and early diagnosis allows doctors a greater range of treatment options.
Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia
Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia, or CML, is similar to Acute Myleogenous Leukemia, but differs in the intensity of the disease. In CML, the bone marrow produces stem cells that fail to develop into necessary blood cells, but fails to do so over a much longer period of time. Even though CML is not as immediately fatal as AML, regular checkups are necessary to monitor CML to prevent it from becoming acute. While most people never feel the effects of Chronic Myleogenous Leukemia, but when they do some of the symptoms are:
- Weakness
- Fatigue
- Weight loss
- Fever
While the symptoms of AML usually result in earlier detection, CML often goes unnoticed for years, which can result in what doctors term a "blast crisis." A blast crisis occurs when myeloblasts build up over a period of years and suddenly flood the blood stream with unhealthy, undeveloped, and malignant blood cells. This explosion of cancerous cells exhibits the same dangerous conditions of AML. As unhealthy myeloid cells out produce healthy white blood cells, many patients develop dangerous infections.
Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia is one of the most difficult cancers to diagnose and treat, but with proper maintenance, many people can lead relatively normal lives. Most doctors agree that preventing a blast crisis is key to CML treatment, but new discoveries are made each day, each with the promise of a brighter day for leukemia patients.
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
Almost 9,000 people every year are diagnosed with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, or CML. Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia is a condition characterized by the overproduction of white blood cells which cause the victim to become much more susceptible to infections or diseases. Unfortunately there is no total cure for CLL, so most doctors usually seek to only treat the symptoms of the disease and attempt to prevent a "blast crisis." With proper maintenance and treatment, CLL has a 77% survival rate.
The stage and progression of the cancer often affects the treatment a doctor will pursue. Because patients with CLL can often live healthy, active lives for years if not decades, doctors will often pursue a "wait and see approach" to treating CLL. Also, because CLL is incurable, doctors have found that early treatment has no significant effect on the length or quality of life of CLL patients. Therefore there is no benefit to prescribing aggressive radiation or chemotherapy to early stage patients, for the resulting health consequences do not outweigh the benefits of treatment. When the disease is advanced enough to require medical intervention, doctors often elect to use chemotherapy, radiation, and bone marrow transplants to stave off the worst effects of the disease.
Jesoga70therapy medical mission and how could healing works to people
the miracolous testimony of a certain lupus patient residing at Emita Boac marinduque, way back year 2003. so unforgetable case which leading to inspired our rooster jesoga70therapy do service to continue to help poeple, the patient back home from the provincial hospital of marinduque because of doctors discreation no possible recovery or cure , luckly they call us and to see our roster therapist service asking for medical therapy treatment . After a matter of 3 session the patient confirm so many misterious stories how sickness came to her , by unexplained situation these grade six student went up asking for food and sometime to drink she felt nothing remembering what had happened 3 month ago during her hospitalization, so gods speaking to us , somebody became an instrument , who can save us from the gods message/plan and everything has a purpose and we are happy to leave our love one when it time to came back to him , but our lord god is always wanting us loving him which we always forget , jesoga70therapy medical mission fucos to those who are looking for another alternative means of medication to mention my own father which become victim of chronic obstactive polmunary disease , doctor from our provice and mla proclaimed slight recovery that's a every big challenge on how our medication can save him. Mental martial art save my father up to now the succuss was the true communication to our mercyfull creator (god) and I really distinguish if somebody is possible cure or not depend with their good relationship by him , is the alterable key for success , and i find how pretty living he does these moment , so divine power is really true no need take a specific drug just to keep the body running in spite of being broken. but no matter how the body is fixed , it eventually wear out and changing the behavior is hard to each and every of us , so jesoga70therapy medical mission trained emphsized getting to know the patient faith and attention spiritually so help us god to please heals our spleen and liver of all deteriorating blood cells (Plasma protein) which is more responsible for buildup of blood oxygenation so red / white blood cell and hemoglobin can transport correctly needed through the bloodstream.The most natural way which we can overcome these nutritional defiency problem that can cause by lack fo folate and vitamin b12 others vitamins is by knowing the healthfulness healing impact of these traditional method jesoga70therapy do medical mission . now we're being appreciated by the people here in metro mla. Live these golden rules for healthy living and maintain habit of prevention such health major problem in the future is by knowing the good thing to god and to our body. Some of those who witness our therapy medical mission they said that they are being burn that's what they fell , about 60 degree Cecilius ., these people was super classified personalities but i'm expecting more patient living in the standard barket in life. Now if the spleen recognized the normal function itself and it was no longer dangerous for every blood cells created by the bone marrow.
as of July 29, 2011 , the doctors from these hospital gathered and conduct the combined cross blood count examination from different prestigious hospitals particular the patient leukemia condition. The patient that time was given the oxygen breathing support and the family member notice the little drop of blood to patient urine which disappear after taking Jupiter juice. and as of august 04, 2011 the doctors confirmed a good development accounted for the normal hemoglobin , these is the 3rd miraculous testimonial case that we want to shared to the Filipino community these year of 2011 . And for the benefit of doubt we encourage the family member to published the what about and privacy of victim . once again if our love one survived in any serious health problem, we need to be more alert, check the body condition specially the blood pressure, the circulatory system, from the doctor.
Jesoga70therapymedicalhealingmission was waiting for further testimony from the family. As of August 05/011 the Hospital doctors department confirmed such improvement especially from the hemoglobin from 62 to 96. Here is the exclusive videos status of patient condition. august 7/011 8pm
Ms. Lolita De belen 61 yrs of legal age suffered from Leukemia residing at Yakal st., Sta cruz Mla near D.O.H witness the jesoga70therapymedicalmission as of July 18 , 2011 . on the first therapy session the patient complained the on and off fever for one month time and day that after the family members notice the the total remission, the fever go away without reason. And when the patient was rush to the hospital, the family members request to give our anointing touch for the last time , because their doctor informed them the bad condition of the patient no chance to recover , that time the patient has vomiting every time she eat. But people god's really need's our little pray/faith and remembering him even at the very short moment of our life ,jesoga70therapy compromised again the promised that never dies to every victim, from the simple touch of 14 vitality abdominal impulses functioning system , i speak to the patient, just open your heart and receive the power of the divine light , the patient came to smile and asking for more food to eat. On the following days the family members discovered the total changes from the whole vital extremities were the patient is badly in pain, legs was more seriously bruising before but speed remission take place that day pain subside, how can it be possible for the leukemias victim to be recovred just a day treatment , we sure about it that when we get older, we're more likely to developed bruises,since our skin grows thinner and less able to absort punishment . And one good things that we can rest assured for these testimony the member of these family , is a nursing personell of these hospital. these picture was taken from that hospital. 
as of July 29, 2011 , the doctors from these hospital gathered and conduct the combined cross blood count examination from different prestigious hospitals particular the patient leukemia condition. The patient that time was given the oxygen breathing support and the family member notice the little drop of blood to patient urine which disappear after taking Jupiter juice. and as of august 04, 2011 the doctors confirmed a good development accounted for the normal hemoglobin , these is the 3rd miraculous testimonial case that we want to shared to the Filipino community these year of 2011 . And for the benefit of doubt we encourage the family member to published the what about and privacy of victim . once again if our love one survived in any serious health problem, we need to be more alert, check the body condition specially the blood pressure, the circulatory system, from the doctor.
Jesoga70therapymedicalhealingmission was waiting for further testimony from the family. As of August 05/011 the Hospital doctors department confirmed such improvement especially from the hemoglobin from 62 to 96. Here is the exclusive videos status of patient condition. august 7/011 8pm
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