by Jesus Ogayre on Saturday, May 7, 2011 at 4:35pm
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CONTACT: 0919 606 00 22 / 226 27 24 / 0910 372 19 76 / 0933 962 90 49
HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE - is the most common chronic adult illness. it is not a disease of the heart but of the arteries. There is no cure for high blood pressure , but it can be controlled said by the doctors medical world association. High blood pressure is one of the three major controllable risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Controlling your blood pressure can be reduce your risk for kidney disease . The sooner you blood pressure is controlled , the less you risk future problem.
Question and Answer from Yahoo! Answers
How-To Guides from Wikihow
Complications of hypertension
Stroke, heart attack, heart failure ( weakening of the heart's pumping action) , kidney failure.
The causes of high blood pressure are unknown in about 90 percent of cases . However , there are factors that increase the risk of hypertension:
Age , as the large arteries become more rigid with age , the resistance to flow of blood increases raising the pressure. over siguro sa pagod pinoy ako ha.
Question: What Happens to Blood Pressure as we Age?
Age is a known risk factor for high blood pressure. In general, blood pressure rises as people get older. In fact, up to 80 percent of people over 65 have measurable high blood pressure.
Specifically, the systolic blood pressure rises with age, while the diastolic blood pressure tends to fall. This is true for people with high blood pressure and those with no history of high blood pressure. For people with pre-existing high blood pressure, this age-related blood pressure increase happens even if the blood pressure is well controlled with medicine.
In almost 60 percent of cases, people diagnosed with high blood pressure after age 65 have "isolated systolic hypertension." This type of high blood pressure means that only the systolic blood pressure is elevated.
The reasons why blood pressure increases with age are still poorly understood, but are a topic of intense research. Some known contributors include:
NATURAL CURE for HEREDITARY DISEASES -Homeopathics and radionics vibrational remedies
83rate or flag this pageTweet this
By Tatjana-Mihaela
See all 13 photos
Many hereditary diseases are passed on within families from one generation to the next. Just as children may inherit normal features such as blue eyes or blond hair from one or both parents, children can also inherit certain disorders. (Here I will not discuss about huge chromosome disorders, altough they can be also posetively influenced in the process of healing),
Every family has typical "weak spots" in the health - some families have history of heart disieases, some of cancer, some of hormonal disorders, some of arthritis etc. All these weaknessess are written down as potencial in the genes, especially if the both parents of the person have the same health-disorders already expressed ,or in their family health history. Usually some triggers are needed for this bad genetic material to be expressed - stress, inapropriate food, style of life, or fear from disease.
Cronic diseases which are repetaed within the familiy are so often very difficult to solve, because people who cary them usually BELIEVE that inherited disorders are not possible to heal, consciously or subconsciously.
In majority of cases, nothing is more far from truth.
We can influence our genes with power of our will and with help of various healing methods. DNA and our genes are part of us, so we can heal them and communicate with them.
Here I will discuss some vibrational remedies which homeopathy and especially radionics homeopathy has for healing cronic hereditary diseases:
DNA - microscopic picture
DNA / RNA remedy - homeopathic-radionics remedy
This is the best possible remedy for healing various cronic and hereditary diseases.
Thanks to the work of one my colleague in Croatia, this remedy is specially prepared on the way that are to DNA homeopathic remedy, added various vibrational components which deeply regenerate and rejuvenate all cells in the body. Remedy assures healthy DNA replication. To even imbetter that excellent remedy, I improved it to adding futher components to it, which influence vital energy of the person who takes it, improve energetic field (aura and chakras), plus have positive influence on emotions, as well as I added vibrations of all mineral salts and aminoacids nessessary for the health of the body, as well as vibration of gems.
It is good to know that DNA replication (duplication) is happening every day - so we have every day chance to heal and improve ourselves.
This is "higly intelligent remedy", so the best is to use it - consciously - with visualizing the most positive outcome after taking it. It speeds up the process of healing on tremedous way, improves mental, emotional and spiritual intelligence of the person, what is nessessary in the process of self-healing: it helps person to deeply understand the cause of the illness, and help her/him to get the best ideas how to find the way out from the illness.
This remedy can be added to other remedies we have for healing various diseases:
1.Organo remedies for healing various organs in the body affected with illness (f.E. Blood, bones, lymphatic system, hormones, all inner organs)
2. Disease remedies which heals various diseases as:
DNA remedy, if consciously used, also has ability to help the healthy people in the following:
Why is that:
MIASMIC REMEDIES (anti-pathogenes)
From history of homeopathy
Miasmic remedies are actually vibrations which kill various pathogenes (certain bacteries and virusis which all of us inherited from our parents. Fetus in the womb gets thrugh the blood of the mother all pathogenes she has in the blood. We also get them THROUGH THE FOOD WE EAT, WATER WE DRINK or can be infected on any of other ways.
Miasmic remedies are very interesting, because they cover varios types of diseaseses, which are very common among the whole humanity.
The most interesting of miasmic remedies are that ones which are made of potencised vibrations of pathogenes which cause certain group of disorders. Mentioned pathogenes are very common among humanity, and when surpressed, produce various other illnessess and symptomes.
Parasite Sarcoptes scabiei which causes scabies
This remedy acts mainly on the skin and to a lesser extent the bowels and respiratory tract. It is used to treat itchy skin diseases that appear and multiply easily, such as eczema, ulcers, acne, psoriasis and boils. All these conditions are worse in winter weather but are aggravated by heat, for example, from a warm bed, being overdressed, and physical exertion. Bowel problems treated include diarrhea associated with irritable bowel syndrome, stomach flu, and diverticulitis. Psorinum is also given for complaints of the respiratory tract, including hay fever and asthma .
From psychological point of view:
People who need that remedy are extremely sensitive, exchange highs and lows, they very easily fall down into negative moods, struggling with outside world , have big lack of confidence, constant anxiety feelings, fear, insecurity, anxiety about the future .
This remedy is derived from scabies, Scabies is an itchy skin condition caused by a tiny parasite (mite) called Sarcoptes scabiei that can live and multiply (infest) on skin. They are passed between people by prolonged skin-to-skin contact.
Bactery of Gonorrhea
A powerful and deep-acting medicine, often indicated for various chronic illnessess. For women with chronic pelvic disorders.(ovaritis, salpingitis, pelvic cellulitis, fibroids, cysts and other morbid growths of the uterus and ovary) especially if symptoms points to malignancy .For persons suffering from gout, rheumatism, neuralgia and diseases of the spinal cord and it's membranes - even organic lesions ending in paralysis.
Chronic Rheumatism. Great disturbance and irritability of nervous system . Chronic catarrhal conditions in children. Tonsils enlarged. Oedema of limbs. Disseminated sclerosis. Acute pain in the liver. Nausea/vomiting as a chronic problem.
Warts, moles, unnatural thickening skin, herpes, scars.
Tumors on reproductive organs, inflammations of urethra.
Medorrhinum remedy is potencised vibration of Gonnorhea bactery, what means that somebody of patient`s ancestrors had contact with gonnorhea which is passed through the blood, maybe through many generations, and now, in its surpressed form, is causing various health problems.
This remedy is also extremelly effective in healing gonorrhea, very common STD.
The people who need this remedy hide his weakness, are very tensed, constantly covering up situations, have fixed habits, are usually suspicious, jealous and forgetful.
Bactery of Siphyllis
Typical illnessess where this remedy is helpful are:, blindness, boil in veins and bones, fistula, fungal infection of extremities, gangreene, hyperextension, bone marrow inflammation, insanity due to depression, leucorrhoea, rheumatism of long bones, sore throat, history of abortions, sterility, cardiac attacks, insanity.
Body and mind destroy itself, give-up.
The people who need that remedy have: strong pessimistic view on life, cannot modify what is wrong, give-up, destroy, they see no point in trying to adjust, have sudden impulsive violent reactions directed at themselves or others, dictational rigid ideas. They are very stuborn.
If there was tuberculosis in the family, the good remedy is Tubercullinum-baccillinum, which is derived from vibrations of bacteries which cause TBC.
The person who needs that remedy usually has tendency toward allergies, repeated respiratory problems like bronchitis or asthma, has week lungs, irregular or crowded teeth, nightsweats, can have often diarrheas, and irritability.
It is given, when any of following conditions are typical problem: Cystistis. Excema, Headaches.Symptoms ever changing; ailments affecting one organ, then another - the lungs, brain, kidneys, liver, stomach, nervous system - beginning suddenly, ceasing suddenly. Enlarged lymphatic glands. Destruction of bone marrow. Epylepsy. Anorexia. Bipolar disorder.
These remedy is also healing tuberculosis (TBC) very successfully.
People who need this remedy usually have problem with dehidratation,
From phychological point of vew:
People who need that remedy are impulsive, have lack of tolerance, short temper, love to change everything, do harmful things to themselves.
Tumor cells
Carcinosin is the deep healing remedy prepared from potencised tumor tissue, which is successfully given in healing conditions as tumors, cysts, cancer, and when hystory of cancer exists in family.It is also indicated after effects of the head injuries and grief.
From psychological point of view:
Carcinosin is for people who aspire too high achievements and have a pattern of stretching themselves beyond their limit. Due to the low self-esteem, lack of love for oneself , and many surpressed negative emotions they develope low immunity which is causing appearance of tumors.
Some typical statements of the people who need Carcinosin remedy as prevention:
These are psychological factors which are common basis for developing tumors and cancer: self-destructive energy based on lack of self-worthiness and feelings of guilt, as well as surpressed anger and hate.
Important: use of miasmic remedies
By using any miasmic remedy, certain protocol is to be respected, as well as potency should be right one so I do not recommend people to use them without consultations with homeopath or without enough knowledge about homeopathic remedies.
In radionics homeopathy, we succesfully use them as single remedies (with certain protocol) or as component of some combination remedies as a big help in healing various cronic diseases.
I wish you all the best health possible,
Tatiana-Michaela Pribic
Usui and Karuna Reiki teacher and alternative healer
Contact: for e-mail consultation (price for consultation is 50 US$).
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Reasons to Quit Smoking
There are the things you can’t ignore—bad breath, yellow teeth, stained fingers and lips, age spots, and wrinkles. Then there are the things you cannot see—the steep increased risk for lung cancer, emphysema, fertility problems, heart disease, and stroke. If you are a smoker who is thinking of quitting or has tried to quit before, chances are you already know all the reasons why you should.
Who Smokes?
Smoking crosses all racial, gender, and socioeconomic lines. According to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 46 million American adults smoke—more than 20 percent of the adult population. (That is down from 24 percent 10 years ago.) More men light up than women—23 percent of men compared to 19 percent of women. And it is not just adults. Nearly a quarter of high school students in the U.S. smoke cigarettes.
What is in a Cigarette?
Cigarettes are made with dried tobacco leaves that naturally contain the drug nicotine. Cigarette manufacturers add chemicals like ammonia, tar, lead, and cyanide and other ingredients, like cocoa, coffee, and menthol, to change the flavor of the tobacco in an attempt to make smoking more enjoyable. According to the American Cancer Society (ACS), more than 4,000 different chemicals have been identified in cigarettes and cigarette smoke. Of those 4,000 chemicals, 60 are known to cause cancer. These cancer-causing chemicals are called carcinogens.
Until recently, cigarette companies were not required to make public a list of the ingredients that were added to their cigarettes, so scientists have been unable to determine what, if any, effects all these additives might have on a person’s health. Recently passed federal legislation now requires cigarette manufacturers to provide the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) with a list of additives in their cigarettes. A list of harmful or dangerous chemicals found in each cigarette will be made public for consumers by or before June 2011. For the most part, tobacco products are unregulated—unlike medications, spirits, and most foods—which means their potential health risks, beyond what we already know from years of consumer use, are still being discovered.
Smoking, Pregnancy, and Fertility
Smoking and tobacco use affect reproduction and fertility. Research shows that men who smoke have lower sperm counts, and the sperm they do have is often misshapen and has a harder time moving—making conceiving more difficult. Experts also believe smoking affects sperm DNA which may lead to developmental and physical health problems in a child.
For women who are pregnant and still smoking, you are damaging the health and future health of your unborn child. Babies born to mothers who smoke are about 30 percent more likely to be born prematurely, and those who do make it full term are more likely to have a low birth weight. Babies born to mothers who smoked during pregnancy are also at a greater risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
Smoking and Disease Risk
The leading cause of death in American men and women is heart disease. Smoking increases your risk for heart disease two to four times compared to a nonsmoker. The same thing goes for your risk of stroke. Smoking narrows your blood vessels and arteries. This may lead to peripheral artery disease (PAD)—the obstruction of the large arteries in your arms and legs. If you continue to smoke, PAD can cause a range of complications including pain, muscle determination, and eventually muscle death.
Smoke damages your lungs and your airways, putting you at greater risk for respiratory disease. In men, the risk of developing lung cancer increases 23 times if you are a smoker. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in women, and smoking increases a woman’s chance of the disease 13 times that of nonsmokers. Most smokers will also develop a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)—one of a few diseases, like bronchitis or emphysema, that block airflow into and out of your lungs, making breathing increasingly difficult.
Smoking and Death
Smoking remains the number one cause of preventable disease and death in American adults. In addition, second-hand smoke kills tens of thousands of people who never took a single puff in their lives each year. On average, smokers die 13 to 14 years earlier than nonsmokers. If you don’t quit, you could be one of the estimated 443,000 adults who die each year from a disease or complication attributable to smoking.
Here’s some good news, though: The moment you are no longer a smoker, your risks for many diseases and health complications begin to fall. In fact, according to the American Cancer Society, one year after you smoke your last cigarette, your increased risk of heart disease is reduced by half. Fifteen years later, the risk for heart disease is similar to that of people who’ve never lit up. The same is true for the risk of stroke. Your health and the fate of your health are not set in stone. You can change your future by making the decision to quit.
*Excessive stress
Kidney disease
Adrenal disorder
congenital heart defect
certain drug( contraceptive)
preeclampsia a pregnancy
these is my 10 x attempt doing these information., that i notice all my profile collapse for unknown reason pls don't touch this file to those bad intruders oky.
How can jesoga70 treats the hypertension.
Again, there are various groups of doctor in western world applying these ideas, but out of millions only one doctor I found mentioning that INSULIN CONTROLS NUMEROUS FUNCTIONS in the body that these idea helps jesoga70 therapy technique to concentrate to the body glucose and heals the hormones that removes the glucose from the blood and allows it to enter the body cells. The cell use it for energy or chi and key to Japanese and Chinese So that ideas is true, because if you body is unable to make or use insulin properly these may play the very significant roles to damage our kidney and way to have atheriosclerosasis and leading to hypertension , the heart may enlarged because of the increased work the left venticle againts atrteriolar resistanced, . so by the power of 14 vitality abdominal impulses functioning system jesoga70 therapy can successfully harmonized blood flow , not to be more static and too fast in circulation or be too slow .Stop your medication, look for a doctor that same with these principle, Mr . caller, I can research everything you wanted for us to know. Remember we are the most powerful healers using the highest state of health the yuj guang / yogis practitioner. our most professional traditional training is to ( fight to death ) on bad condition when necessary to depend our integrity. second is to maintain peace and order to every one especially those who need helps needy., sick and on the spot of poverty. Edema is the accumulation of abnormal amount of fluid in tissue spaces it often accompanies congestion or an increase volume of blood in dilated vessel ,. to damage heart , kidney, liver, localized edema, inflamation etc including lymhedema .
Note :
Normally blood pressure drops when you sleep and rises when you are subjected to stress, startled by a loud noise dieting or exercising.

CONTACT: 0919 606 00 22 / 226 27 24 / 0910 372 19 76 / 0933 962 90 49
HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE - is the most common chronic adult illness. it is not a disease of the heart but of the arteries. There is no cure for high blood pressure , but it can be controlled said by the doctors medical world association. High blood pressure is one of the three major controllable risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Controlling your blood pressure can be reduce your risk for kidney disease . The sooner you blood pressure is controlled , the less you risk future problem.
Question and Answer from Yahoo! Answers
- Hypertension Symptoms ?
can sombody tell me the Hypertension Symptoms? A: Most people with high blood pressure (medically known as hypertension) don't have any symptoms. ... - tomatoes
What is the medical term for arthritis causing pain in the head, similar to hypertension symptoms?
I usually have pain in my nape up to the head but my blood pressure is just above normal. ... A: Information on arthritis,home remedies and treatment is available at
what is hypertension symptoms and is it linked to anxiety disorder?
i have been having symptomsupon standing and siting down and heart starts racing and feel dizzy note i have ... A: that dose of zoloft is far to low to cause your symptoms, and your heart racing and ...
What are the best websites to research information about Hypertension symptoms and home/doctor treatment?
Detailed websites that give information on High blood pressure medications, treatment, and diagnosis. Also, what causes ... More from Yahoo! Answers »
- Medicine: Pent-Up Emotions
... against the pertinent adversary." Many of them suffer from migraine headaches and other side symptoms. As children, they were frustrated and shy. Will to Health. ... - Milestones: Mar. 4, 1985
... diet and exercise attracted thousands of grateful disciples who claimed both weight loss and amelioration of heart disease, hypertension and diabetes symptoms; by his own hand while suffering ...
How-To Guides from Wikihow
- How to Prevent Nose Bleeds
... (especially aspirin and blood thinners), high altitudes, excessive heat and blowing or picking the nose, and is a possible symptom of hypertension. In younger people ... - How to Follow a Low Sodium Diet
... much (a KFC chicken pot pie has 2160 mg): [1]. Since chronic excess sodium is associated with hypertension and possibly other conditions for a minority of the population ... - Witness For hypertension disease
- DIED. Nathan Pritikin, 69, health and fitness guru whose regimen of low- cholesterol diet and exercise attracted thousands of grateful disciples who claimed both weight loss and amelioration of heart disease, hypertension and diabetes symptoms; by his own hand while suffering from advanced leukemia; in Albany. Pritikin became a self-taught nutritionist after he was diagnosed as having heart disease at age 40. He promoted his diet plan, consisting mostly of fruits, vegetables and whole-grain breads, in $3,675 two-week programs at his longevity centers and through several books.
Complications of hypertension
Stroke, heart attack, heart failure ( weakening of the heart's pumping action) , kidney failure.
The causes of high blood pressure are unknown in about 90 percent of cases . However , there are factors that increase the risk of hypertension:
Age , as the large arteries become more rigid with age , the resistance to flow of blood increases raising the pressure. over siguro sa pagod pinoy ako ha.
Question: What Happens to Blood Pressure as we Age?
Age is a known risk factor for high blood pressure. In general, blood pressure rises as people get older. In fact, up to 80 percent of people over 65 have measurable high blood pressure.
Specifically, the systolic blood pressure rises with age, while the diastolic blood pressure tends to fall. This is true for people with high blood pressure and those with no history of high blood pressure. For people with pre-existing high blood pressure, this age-related blood pressure increase happens even if the blood pressure is well controlled with medicine.
In almost 60 percent of cases, people diagnosed with high blood pressure after age 65 have "isolated systolic hypertension." This type of high blood pressure means that only the systolic blood pressure is elevated.
The reasons why blood pressure increases with age are still poorly understood, but are a topic of intense research. Some known contributors include:
- Age-related changes in hormone profiles
- A tendency for older people to oversalt their food because of decreased taste bud sensitivity
- Changes that happen in the walls of arteries and other blood vessels
- Decreased efficiency of the heart
NATURAL CURE for HEREDITARY DISEASES -Homeopathics and radionics vibrational remedies
83rate or flag this pageTweet this
By Tatjana-Mihaela
See all 13 photos
Many hereditary diseases are passed on within families from one generation to the next. Just as children may inherit normal features such as blue eyes or blond hair from one or both parents, children can also inherit certain disorders. (Here I will not discuss about huge chromosome disorders, altough they can be also posetively influenced in the process of healing),
Every family has typical "weak spots" in the health - some families have history of heart disieases, some of cancer, some of hormonal disorders, some of arthritis etc. All these weaknessess are written down as potencial in the genes, especially if the both parents of the person have the same health-disorders already expressed ,or in their family health history. Usually some triggers are needed for this bad genetic material to be expressed - stress, inapropriate food, style of life, or fear from disease.
Cronic diseases which are repetaed within the familiy are so often very difficult to solve, because people who cary them usually BELIEVE that inherited disorders are not possible to heal, consciously or subconsciously.
In majority of cases, nothing is more far from truth.
We can influence our genes with power of our will and with help of various healing methods. DNA and our genes are part of us, so we can heal them and communicate with them.
Here I will discuss some vibrational remedies which homeopathy and especially radionics homeopathy has for healing cronic hereditary diseases:
DNA - microscopic picture
DNA / RNA remedy - homeopathic-radionics remedy
This is the best possible remedy for healing various cronic and hereditary diseases.
Thanks to the work of one my colleague in Croatia, this remedy is specially prepared on the way that are to DNA homeopathic remedy, added various vibrational components which deeply regenerate and rejuvenate all cells in the body. Remedy assures healthy DNA replication. To even imbetter that excellent remedy, I improved it to adding futher components to it, which influence vital energy of the person who takes it, improve energetic field (aura and chakras), plus have positive influence on emotions, as well as I added vibrations of all mineral salts and aminoacids nessessary for the health of the body, as well as vibration of gems.
It is good to know that DNA replication (duplication) is happening every day - so we have every day chance to heal and improve ourselves.
This is "higly intelligent remedy", so the best is to use it - consciously - with visualizing the most positive outcome after taking it. It speeds up the process of healing on tremedous way, improves mental, emotional and spiritual intelligence of the person, what is nessessary in the process of self-healing: it helps person to deeply understand the cause of the illness, and help her/him to get the best ideas how to find the way out from the illness.
This remedy can be added to other remedies we have for healing various diseases:
1.Organo remedies for healing various organs in the body affected with illness (f.E. Blood, bones, lymphatic system, hormones, all inner organs)
2. Disease remedies which heals various diseases as:
- Tumors and Cysts
- Cancer
- Leukemia
- Alzheimer disease
- Parkinson disease
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Diabetes
- Reumathoid arthritis
- Osteoporosis
- Hyperthyroidism / Hypothyroidism
- Obesity
- Bulimia
- Hormonal Diseases
- Immunity Diseases
- Artheriosclerosis
- Psoriasis
DNA remedy, if consciously used, also has ability to help the healthy people in the following:
- to easier achieve the life-goals - because when we communicate with our DNA, we easier materialize our goals and wishes
- to attain more positive emotions
- to attain higher mental, emotional and spiritual intelligence
- to see higher purpose in the life and get deep connection with it
- to heal emotions and traumas
Why is that:
- Majority of medications are very aggressive and take control over all neural receptors in the body, so there are not free receptors for natural remedies to hook on any more.
- Majority of medications have very harmful side-effects - which cause new diseases.
- Majority of medications cause serious harm to the immune system, with low immune system is not possible to get healed from any possible illness.
- Regular use of majority medications is highly toxic
MIASMIC REMEDIES (anti-pathogenes)
From history of homeopathy
"Long before the discovery of genes, DNA and modern genetic science, father of Homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann investigated the question of an inherited disposition toward disease. His exploration of inheritance began when some of his patients did not respond as expected to homeopathic treatment. Either the remedies would have little effect, or else the patient would get better and then relapse repeatedly. Hahnemann was certain that these patients had been given the appropriate remedies, so he realized that some other factor must be disrupting the healing process.
For 12 years, Hahnemann delved into the records of his patients, studying their diseases, symptoms and family histories. He began to recognized certain types of problems and clusters of symptoms that repeatedly cropped up in the dificult cases which did not respond to treatment. He also correlated these syndromes with particular familial traits and histories. Consequently, Hahnemann was able to distinguish several patterns of symptoms, behavior and illness that were commonly passed down from parent to off-spring. "These patterns are called "MIASMS" and to heal them, homeopathy uses anti-MIASMIC remedies.
Miasmic remedies are actually vibrations which kill various pathogenes (certain bacteries and virusis which all of us inherited from our parents. Fetus in the womb gets thrugh the blood of the mother all pathogenes she has in the blood. We also get them THROUGH THE FOOD WE EAT, WATER WE DRINK or can be infected on any of other ways.
Miasmic remedies are very interesting, because they cover varios types of diseaseses, which are very common among the whole humanity.
The most interesting of miasmic remedies are that ones which are made of potencised vibrations of pathogenes which cause certain group of disorders. Mentioned pathogenes are very common among humanity, and when surpressed, produce various other illnessess and symptomes.
Parasite Sarcoptes scabiei which causes scabies
This remedy acts mainly on the skin and to a lesser extent the bowels and respiratory tract. It is used to treat itchy skin diseases that appear and multiply easily, such as eczema, ulcers, acne, psoriasis and boils. All these conditions are worse in winter weather but are aggravated by heat, for example, from a warm bed, being overdressed, and physical exertion. Bowel problems treated include diarrhea associated with irritable bowel syndrome, stomach flu, and diverticulitis. Psorinum is also given for complaints of the respiratory tract, including hay fever and asthma .
From psychological point of view:
People who need that remedy are extremely sensitive, exchange highs and lows, they very easily fall down into negative moods, struggling with outside world , have big lack of confidence, constant anxiety feelings, fear, insecurity, anxiety about the future .
This remedy is derived from scabies, Scabies is an itchy skin condition caused by a tiny parasite (mite) called Sarcoptes scabiei that can live and multiply (infest) on skin. They are passed between people by prolonged skin-to-skin contact.
Bactery of Gonorrhea
A powerful and deep-acting medicine, often indicated for various chronic illnessess. For women with chronic pelvic disorders.(ovaritis, salpingitis, pelvic cellulitis, fibroids, cysts and other morbid growths of the uterus and ovary) especially if symptoms points to malignancy .For persons suffering from gout, rheumatism, neuralgia and diseases of the spinal cord and it's membranes - even organic lesions ending in paralysis.
Chronic Rheumatism. Great disturbance and irritability of nervous system . Chronic catarrhal conditions in children. Tonsils enlarged. Oedema of limbs. Disseminated sclerosis. Acute pain in the liver. Nausea/vomiting as a chronic problem.
Warts, moles, unnatural thickening skin, herpes, scars.
Tumors on reproductive organs, inflammations of urethra.
Medorrhinum remedy is potencised vibration of Gonnorhea bactery, what means that somebody of patient`s ancestrors had contact with gonnorhea which is passed through the blood, maybe through many generations, and now, in its surpressed form, is causing various health problems.
This remedy is also extremelly effective in healing gonorrhea, very common STD.
The people who need this remedy hide his weakness, are very tensed, constantly covering up situations, have fixed habits, are usually suspicious, jealous and forgetful.
Bactery of Siphyllis
Typical illnessess where this remedy is helpful are:, blindness, boil in veins and bones, fistula, fungal infection of extremities, gangreene, hyperextension, bone marrow inflammation, insanity due to depression, leucorrhoea, rheumatism of long bones, sore throat, history of abortions, sterility, cardiac attacks, insanity.
Body and mind destroy itself, give-up.
The people who need that remedy have: strong pessimistic view on life, cannot modify what is wrong, give-up, destroy, they see no point in trying to adjust, have sudden impulsive violent reactions directed at themselves or others, dictational rigid ideas. They are very stuborn.
If there was tuberculosis in the family, the good remedy is Tubercullinum-baccillinum, which is derived from vibrations of bacteries which cause TBC.
The person who needs that remedy usually has tendency toward allergies, repeated respiratory problems like bronchitis or asthma, has week lungs, irregular or crowded teeth, nightsweats, can have often diarrheas, and irritability.
It is given, when any of following conditions are typical problem: Cystistis. Excema, Headaches.Symptoms ever changing; ailments affecting one organ, then another - the lungs, brain, kidneys, liver, stomach, nervous system - beginning suddenly, ceasing suddenly. Enlarged lymphatic glands. Destruction of bone marrow. Epylepsy. Anorexia. Bipolar disorder.
These remedy is also healing tuberculosis (TBC) very successfully.
People who need this remedy usually have problem with dehidratation,
From phychological point of vew:
People who need that remedy are impulsive, have lack of tolerance, short temper, love to change everything, do harmful things to themselves.
Tumor cells
Carcinosin is the deep healing remedy prepared from potencised tumor tissue, which is successfully given in healing conditions as tumors, cysts, cancer, and when hystory of cancer exists in family.It is also indicated after effects of the head injuries and grief.
From psychological point of view:
Carcinosin is for people who aspire too high achievements and have a pattern of stretching themselves beyond their limit. Due to the low self-esteem, lack of love for oneself , and many surpressed negative emotions they develope low immunity which is causing appearance of tumors.
Some typical statements of the people who need Carcinosin remedy as prevention:
- I am not allowed to fail, to make mistakes;
- My father (mother) used to tell me I was not capable of doing this or that;
- I let myself be suppressed easily; there is still a lot of suppressed anger in me
- I feel less worthy than other people,
- I am the black sheep; my father (mother) criticized my appearance
- I cannot say no, I accept everything otherwise I feel guilty;
- I always avoid conflicts - I easily agree with everything and everybody, I cannot stand up for myself
These are psychological factors which are common basis for developing tumors and cancer: self-destructive energy based on lack of self-worthiness and feelings of guilt, as well as surpressed anger and hate.
Important: use of miasmic remedies
By using any miasmic remedy, certain protocol is to be respected, as well as potency should be right one so I do not recommend people to use them without consultations with homeopath or without enough knowledge about homeopathic remedies.
In radionics homeopathy, we succesfully use them as single remedies (with certain protocol) or as component of some combination remedies as a big help in healing various cronic diseases.
I wish you all the best health possible,
Tatiana-Michaela Pribic
Usui and Karuna Reiki teacher and alternative healer
Contact: for e-mail consultation (price for consultation is 50 US$).
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Reasons to Quit Smoking
There are the things you can’t ignore—bad breath, yellow teeth, stained fingers and lips, age spots, and wrinkles. Then there are the things you cannot see—the steep increased risk for lung cancer, emphysema, fertility problems, heart disease, and stroke. If you are a smoker who is thinking of quitting or has tried to quit before, chances are you already know all the reasons why you should.
Who Smokes?
Smoking crosses all racial, gender, and socioeconomic lines. According to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 46 million American adults smoke—more than 20 percent of the adult population. (That is down from 24 percent 10 years ago.) More men light up than women—23 percent of men compared to 19 percent of women. And it is not just adults. Nearly a quarter of high school students in the U.S. smoke cigarettes.
What is in a Cigarette?
Cigarettes are made with dried tobacco leaves that naturally contain the drug nicotine. Cigarette manufacturers add chemicals like ammonia, tar, lead, and cyanide and other ingredients, like cocoa, coffee, and menthol, to change the flavor of the tobacco in an attempt to make smoking more enjoyable. According to the American Cancer Society (ACS), more than 4,000 different chemicals have been identified in cigarettes and cigarette smoke. Of those 4,000 chemicals, 60 are known to cause cancer. These cancer-causing chemicals are called carcinogens.
Until recently, cigarette companies were not required to make public a list of the ingredients that were added to their cigarettes, so scientists have been unable to determine what, if any, effects all these additives might have on a person’s health. Recently passed federal legislation now requires cigarette manufacturers to provide the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) with a list of additives in their cigarettes. A list of harmful or dangerous chemicals found in each cigarette will be made public for consumers by or before June 2011. For the most part, tobacco products are unregulated—unlike medications, spirits, and most foods—which means their potential health risks, beyond what we already know from years of consumer use, are still being discovered.
Smoking, Pregnancy, and Fertility
Smoking and tobacco use affect reproduction and fertility. Research shows that men who smoke have lower sperm counts, and the sperm they do have is often misshapen and has a harder time moving—making conceiving more difficult. Experts also believe smoking affects sperm DNA which may lead to developmental and physical health problems in a child.
For women who are pregnant and still smoking, you are damaging the health and future health of your unborn child. Babies born to mothers who smoke are about 30 percent more likely to be born prematurely, and those who do make it full term are more likely to have a low birth weight. Babies born to mothers who smoked during pregnancy are also at a greater risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
Smoking and Disease Risk
The leading cause of death in American men and women is heart disease. Smoking increases your risk for heart disease two to four times compared to a nonsmoker. The same thing goes for your risk of stroke. Smoking narrows your blood vessels and arteries. This may lead to peripheral artery disease (PAD)—the obstruction of the large arteries in your arms and legs. If you continue to smoke, PAD can cause a range of complications including pain, muscle determination, and eventually muscle death.
Smoke damages your lungs and your airways, putting you at greater risk for respiratory disease. In men, the risk of developing lung cancer increases 23 times if you are a smoker. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in women, and smoking increases a woman’s chance of the disease 13 times that of nonsmokers. Most smokers will also develop a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)—one of a few diseases, like bronchitis or emphysema, that block airflow into and out of your lungs, making breathing increasingly difficult.
Smoking and Death
Smoking remains the number one cause of preventable disease and death in American adults. In addition, second-hand smoke kills tens of thousands of people who never took a single puff in their lives each year. On average, smokers die 13 to 14 years earlier than nonsmokers. If you don’t quit, you could be one of the estimated 443,000 adults who die each year from a disease or complication attributable to smoking.
Here’s some good news, though: The moment you are no longer a smoker, your risks for many diseases and health complications begin to fall. In fact, according to the American Cancer Society, one year after you smoke your last cigarette, your increased risk of heart disease is reduced by half. Fifteen years later, the risk for heart disease is similar to that of people who’ve never lit up. The same is true for the risk of stroke. Your health and the fate of your health are not set in stone. You can change your future by making the decision to quit.
*Excessive stress
Kidney disease
Adrenal disorder
congenital heart defect
certain drug( contraceptive)
preeclampsia a pregnancy
these is my 10 x attempt doing these information., that i notice all my profile collapse for unknown reason pls don't touch this file to those bad intruders oky.
How can jesoga70 treats the hypertension.
Again, there are various groups of doctor in western world applying these ideas, but out of millions only one doctor I found mentioning that INSULIN CONTROLS NUMEROUS FUNCTIONS in the body that these idea helps jesoga70 therapy technique to concentrate to the body glucose and heals the hormones that removes the glucose from the blood and allows it to enter the body cells. The cell use it for energy or chi and key to Japanese and Chinese So that ideas is true, because if you body is unable to make or use insulin properly these may play the very significant roles to damage our kidney and way to have atheriosclerosasis and leading to hypertension , the heart may enlarged because of the increased work the left venticle againts atrteriolar resistanced, . so by the power of 14 vitality abdominal impulses functioning system jesoga70 therapy can successfully harmonized blood flow , not to be more static and too fast in circulation or be too slow .Stop your medication, look for a doctor that same with these principle, Mr . caller, I can research everything you wanted for us to know. Remember we are the most powerful healers using the highest state of health the yuj guang / yogis practitioner. our most professional traditional training is to ( fight to death ) on bad condition when necessary to depend our integrity. second is to maintain peace and order to every one especially those who need helps needy., sick and on the spot of poverty. Edema is the accumulation of abnormal amount of fluid in tissue spaces it often accompanies congestion or an increase volume of blood in dilated vessel ,. to damage heart , kidney, liver, localized edema, inflamation etc including lymhedema .
Note :
Normally blood pressure drops when you sleep and rises when you are subjected to stress, startled by a loud noise dieting or exercising.
witness/lower blood pressure
same lower blood pressure
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